

I have joined a lovely project organized by my city council: a community orchard-garden. t is above all for people to socialize so it's a project open to anyone, expert or not, all ages welcome. 
I was dragged into it by a couple of friends. Definitely a good idea. Maybe my own little garden at home will suffer some neglect out of this, but it was pure joy to see how much my 4 years old son enjoyed digging holes and watering plants.
So far he spent most of the time being the wild boy he is, together with other little wild friends whilst the rest of the people did the actual gardening bit. 
Someone even built a lovely suspended wood bench, between trees.
Some children were seriously working with adults; eventually everyone will be interested in gardening together I think. Seeing people of all ages/kind involved in something like this is something I am not so used to. Growing a community whilst we grow some vegetables does not seem like a bad idea at all.

At the end everyone shared the same enthusiasm when we harvested salad and rucola last friday. Our very first crop. It was all divided into small heaps for people to take home (in very cute paper cones, I thought). All was planted in the beginning of september -can't believe how fast things grow.  Some children collected walnuts from one of the trees on the land and we shared those too.

Difficult to narrow down the choice of pictures so you'll get quite a lot here. I also promised myself to take Mrs Canon with me to take proper ones, next time. I will keep blog updates about the community orchard-garden project. I am curious myself about the outcomes.


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